Chetan Patel | Upcoming Full-Stack Engineer

Picture of Chetan Patel


Currently working as a customer support represenative for Spectrum's residential customers in the areas of repair, billing, and accounts. Customer Service is a great introduction to Spectrum's culture products and services, my current career goals are to work on the web based systems that I use on a daily basis, such as our Customer Relationship Management system and technical support tools. To jump start my career as a developer I am attending UNC's full stack web development program and will graduate on July 21, 2021.


Event Listener ()

screen shot of event listener project

Event Listener() is a mobile-first web application that helps users find events based on their current location or a searched location. Currently, Event Listener() is limited to locations in North America.


picture of a weather dashboard

demonstrating my expertise with server side api's this dashboard fetch's weather forecasts and displays it. Utilizes localstorage.


a Daily planner project

User puts down notes and is color coded by the hour to let user know when each task needs to be completed. Utlizlies localstorage.


website that generates random password

This web application generates a random password based off of inputs the user inputs


2nd Portfolio project

This portfolio, updated to demonstrate my web applications are now interactive, utlizlies bootstrap cards for a cleaner layout. Clicking on images takes you to a deployed application.